UK: Sunak refuses to be drawn on questions over election betting allegations


BBC reports on 21 June; Rishi Sunak would not be drawn further on questions surrounding allegations that Tory insiders were betting on the election and promises again to “boot out” anyone found to have broken gambling laws

Speaking at the Welsh Conservative manifesto launch, he says the allegations must be “thoroughly and properly” looked into

Labour leader Keir Starmer promotes his party’s industry strategy during a campaign visit to Scotland, while the Lib Dems’ Ed Davey is focusing on dentistry in Yorkshire

Elsewhere, Scotland’s deputy First Minister Kate Forbes is calling for a cut in VAT for tourism and hospitality while campaigning in Glasgow

No Scottish independence vote talks under Labour, says Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer would not negotiate with the Scottish government on an independence referendum if the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats, he says.

SNP leader John Swinney has been campaigning on a promise to increase pressure for another vote on any incoming government.

Swinney expects Westminster to have a Labour majority after the general election, so Starmer’s refusal to hold talks will be a disappointment.

Answering a question from Bauer Media, Starmer says: “The ambition between the SNP and Labour is stark.

“We say elect Labour MPs in Scotland so they can sit at the heart of an incoming Labour government, bringing about the change that I think so many people in Scotland want.”

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn has claimed Sir Keir has “already adopted the same old Westminster arrogance when it comes to respecting Scottish democracy”.