Sawani (Poonch): In the aftermath of a deadly terror attack that unfolded in the serene village of Dhera Ki Gali (DKG), the resilient spirit of Sawani comes to the forefront as Rashtriya Rifles soldiers stand guard on the shambled road leading to the troubled spot.
This picturesque village, nestled in Poonch district of Pir Panjal region, found itself thrust into the spotlight when a brazen terror strike claimed the lives of five soldiers and left three others injured. Dhatyar Morh, the haunting battleground between DKG and Bufliaz, became a grim reminder of the persistent threat that looms over the region.
The response to this heinous act has been swift and resolute.
A massive search operation, orchestrated by the formidable alliance of 48 Rashtriya Rifles, elite 9 Para, and the Special Operation Group of J&K Police, is underway.
The soldiers, standing guard with unwavering determination, ensure that no one crosses the point opposite the now-harrowed village.
“As soon as the incident took place, we arrived here,” said a group of soldiers, echoing the urgency of their mission.
“For the entire night and now the day, we are here,” they said, embodying their dedication to securing the region.
The village of Sawani, adjacent to the spot of the attack, bears witness to the aftermath.
The villagers, gripped by fear after the heavy firing rattled the area, chose to stay indoors.
“After we heard the firing, we didn’t come out of our homes as the spot is near to our village,” said a group of cautious Sawani villagers. “Early morning searches were carried out in our village.”
The interconnected threads of this narrative weave through Marha, with its boundary extending to Shopian.
From another side lies DKG Surankote, where the unfortunate events unfolded.
The villagers of Sawani, caught in the crossfire of terror, find solace in the vigilant presence of the soldiers.
As the sun sets on the horizon, speculative fire from the operation parties reverberates through the air.
Yet, the hiding terrorists responsible for the deadly attack remain elusive, evading retaliation.
The soldiers, undeterred, stand as sentinels in the face of uncertainty, committed to restoring peace to this troubled land.
The village of Sawani, though shaken by the proximity of terror, stands tall, resilient, and united.
In the backdrop of an area scarred by multiple attacks, Sawani emerges as a symbol of unwavering courage, where the indomitable spirit of its people shines through the darkness cast by acts of terror.
Amidst the challenging terrain of the densely forested Pir Panjal region, security officials grapple with the daunting task of combating terrorism in the Rajouri and Poonch districts.
The landscape, characterised by difficult terrain and hidden caves, has become a refuge for terrorists, according to officials from the security establishment.
In the wake of a deadly terror attack, Northern Army Commander Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi last time had highlighted the significant blow dealt to terrorism in the Pir Panjal region.
The killing of top Lashkar-e-Toiba commander Qari and another terrorist was described as a major setback.
Lt Gen Dwivedi had underscored that retired Pakistan soldiers were now part of the terror ranks operating in Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing reporters after a solemn wreath-laying ceremony for the five soldiers who lost their lives in the anti-terrorism operation in Rajouri, Lt Gen Dwivedi revealed Pakistan’s persistent attempts to infiltrate Jammu and Kashmir with foreign terrorists.
“When we sought identification of terrorists, we discovered that some of them are retired army personnel from Pakistan,” he said.
Lt Gen Dwivedi had shed light on the challenging scenario in the twin border districts of Rajouri and Poonch, indicating that at least 20-25 terrorists were actively operating in the region.
However, he expressed confidence in the collaborative efforts of the J&K Police and human intelligence, stating that with their active support, terrorism could be rooted out from the area within a year.
As security forces navigate the complex web of forests and hidden caves, the battle against terrorism in the Pir Panjal region remains a formidable challenge.
The revelation of retired Army personnel joining the ranks of terrorists adds a new dimension to the security landscape, underscoring the need for continued vigilance and coordinated efforts to ensure peace in the troubled border districts.__GK News